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Wall Mount World has a full line of motorized ceiling mounts that swing down, drop down even some that lower and turn 180 degrees for multiple viewing angles.  A ceiling mount bracket is recommended when wall mounting is not desired or is not an option, or as a space-saver for  LED, OLED, QLED, LCD or Plasma flat panel televisions.
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Motorized Inverted TV Lift / Lower Bracket 32" - 85" Motorized Inverted TV Lift/Lower & Manual Swivel Ceiling Bracket 36" - 85" TVs

Motorized, 49" travel, 60 degree swivel

Our Price: $1,879.00
Motorized Inverted Lower - Raise Ceiling Mount for 32" TVs Motorized Inverted Lower - Raise Ceiling Mount for 32" TVs

Motorized 26.5" vertical travel

Our Price: $2,595.00
Future Automation CME  Motorized 180deg Rotation TV Ceiling Bracket Motorized 180deg Rotation TV Ceiling Bracket 32" - 60"

Motorized, 180 degree Rotation

Our Price: $2,904.00
Motorized 180deg Rotation TV Ceiling Bracket Motorized 180deg Rotation TV Ceiling Bracket 65" - 79"

Motorized, 180 degree Rotation 2 meter pole length

Our Price: $4,900.00
Motorized Flip Down Ceiling TV Bracket, 95 degree swing down, 100 lb capacity Ships Fully Assembled Collision detection safety software Motorized Drop Down Ceiling TV Bracket for 46" - 65"

Motorized, Swings down 95 degrees

Our Price: $7,295.00
Motorized Drop Down Ceiling TV Bracket, for 46in to 65in displays 95 degree swing down and lowers 24 inches with 100lb capacity Motorized Drop Down and Lowers 24in Ceiling TV Mount for 46" - 65"

Motorized, Swings down 95 degrees

Our Price: $9,295.00
Future Automation CHR5 Motorized Hinged Ceiling TV Bracket Motorized Hinged Swing Down Ceiling Bracket for 50" - 55" TVs

Motorized, Swings down 100 degrees

Our Price: $11,088.00
Motorized Hinged Ceiling TV Bracket Motorized Electric Hinged Ceiling TV Bracket for 60" - 65" Displays

Motorized, Swings down 100 degrees

Our Price: $12,705.00
Motorized Flip Down Ceiling TV Bracket Motorized Drop Down Ceiling Bracket for 75"- 80" TVs

Motorized, Swings down 90 deg

Our Price: $13,195.00
Motorized Hinged Ceiling Bracket 180deg Swivel smooth quiet mechanism input preset positions Motorized Hinged Ceiling Bracket 180deg Swivel 42" - 55" TVs

Motorized, 180 degree swivel either direction

Our Price: $15,592.00
Motorized Hinged Ceiling Bracket telescopes downward smooth quiet mechanism input preset positions Motorized Hinged Ceiling Bracket Telescopes Down fits 40" - 49" TVs

Motorized, Telescope downward 20 15/16"

Our Price: $15,592.00